Mapping of personality due to rigorous test construction
The Luxemburg University’s research team developed a test instrument completely from scratch. Main objective was to further develop existing personality diagnostics and give new impetus. As a result, the LUXXprofile is able to set a new benchmark. This is especially instrumental for those professional users who work in individual diagnostics and human-centric consulting.
Starting point of the project was the verification of existing personality diagnostics in the market. The research team examined existing motive concepts on the basis of up-to-date research data and employed state-of-the art research methodology in test development. The test itself has been validated and standardized all of a piece and was able to achieve very good values in the psychometric quality criterion. Test accuracy has many important benefits for the professional user: Highly distinguishable motives and excellent measurement accuracy make it easier to explain and understand the complexity of the individual personality. The current standardization, which is valid for many years to come, assures the informative value of the personal test result in relation to the population.
Important to know: Development, validation and documentation of the LUXXprofile was oriented on recommendations of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing of the American Educational Research Association [AERA], the American Psychological Association, the National Council on Measurement in Education and the German standard DIN 33430.
The research partner
The LUXXprofile has been developed between 2016 and 2017 at the University of Luxembourg’s ‘Computer-Based Assessment Group'. Head of the department is Professor Dr. Samuel Greiff. The department is widely recognized for the validation, examination and development of test methods, which are used by the OECD’s PISA Study.
Head of the research team that developed the LUXXprofile is Dr. Christoph Kemper. His research focus lies in personality diagnostics, personality and motivational psychology including development of innovative test methods.
Apart from excellent test quality, an important objective of the scientific development was improved transparency. The University of Luxembourg is license holder of a short scale version measuring the same motives as the LUXXprofile. This version is available for non-commercial research projects free of charge.
“The LUXXprofile is giving important impetus to future research in personality and motivation.”
Dr. Christoph Kemper, Head of the Luxembourg Research Team for the LUXXprofile.