Summer Splash 3
Value freedom makes the LUXXprofile valuable
During the past summer months we introduced fresh features of the brand new LUXXprofile for practical application.
During the modeling of the motive constructs of the LUXXprofile the scientists of the University of Luxembourg put much emphasis on naming and describing the motives in a precise and at the same time value-free manner. The message here is: There is no good or bad personality profile. Every single individual motive is valuable and is an essential element of the individual personality.
By signing the Master License every LUXXprofile Master commits to conducting a value-free assessment discussion and to transport and exemplify value freedom during the work with his/her clients. The advantages of this approach for the consulting success are obvious: The value-free description of the LUXXprofile supports an open and trusting atmosphere during the assessment discussion. The appreciation for the beauty of every single personality profile promotes acceptance of the individual motivational values of one self and others.

(c) LUXXunited GmbH