How to properly explain a profile
What the LUXXprofile reveals about fear
By Svenja Klinkenberg, Member of the LUXXprofile F&E-Team
The art of a good assessment discussion consists of clearly explaining the statements of the individual profile. The distinctive motives of the LUXXprofile provide an excellent basis for this. In my blog series, I am comparing individual motives in order to precisely distinguish their statements. This time: SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE and SAFETY within the context of fear.
The LUXXprofile explains an individual’s personality and can also clarify how, in this context, fear develops. In principle, every motive can trigger fear. This will happen when faced with a situation in which strong motives cannot be satisfied. I am highlighting different facets of fear by taking the motives SAFETY and SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE as examples.
Let me first explain the motives themselves: SAFETY describes the differences in the pursuit of a calm and secure life. Individuals with a high SAFETY motive will act foresightedly in order to avoid negative consequences. They usually prefer secure situations and rather pass on any thrill or danger. The motive SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE on the other hand, describes differences in the pursuit of acceptance and recognition. A high motive usually leads to apprehension of negative evaluation by others and a possible loss of face.
An example taken from workaday life: a project manager with a low SAFETY motive and high SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE is put in charge of an important and complex change project. During the project kickoff meeting his low SAFETY motive is immediately triggered as the project promises tension and challenge, both highly anticipated by the project managers for his satisfaction on the job. At the same time, he has doubts that stem from his inherent desire for SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE: “Am I good enough for this project? What impression will others have if I fail?” The project manager will do his utmost best in order to deliver a good project, striving to ‘reward’ his SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE motive.
For the project manager himself this state of seemingly conflicting emotions – fear and concurrent absence of fear – may be incomprehensible. With one glance at his LUXXprofile the reasons for these emotions become obvious and the coach will be able to clarify the confusion during the assessment discussion.

The project manager has a strong desire for SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE and a weak desire for SAFETY. This is the reason he experiences fear as well as the absence of fear as he takes over responsibility for a challenging change project.
Conclusion: We are often bound by the limits of our language. The term fear does not differentiate between the concern of negative consequences or the worry about negative evaluation. The LUXXprofile allows us to precisely identify what fear means for the individual. And we can use this knowledge in a targeted way in order to achieve optimum performance.