How to properly explain a profile
What the LUXXprofile reveals about career orientation
By Svenja Klinkenberg, Member of the LUXXprofile F&E-Team
The art of a good assessment discussion consists of clearly explaining the statements of the individual profile. The distinctive motives of the LUXXprofile provide an excellent basis for this. In my blog series, I am comparing individual motives in order to precisely distinguish their statements. This time: POWER and STATUS.
The LUXXprofile motives POWER and STATUS are good indicators for a person’s career orientation. However, each motive reflects one individual part of the particular career orientation.
The motive POWER shows the need of a person in regards to how much influence and decision-making responsibility he or she prefers. In professional life, high POWER is, for example, reflected in a keen interest in positions that require a higher amount of decision-making authority. Not necessarily the decision-making itself but also delegating work can be pleasurable. This is why people with a high POWER motive often strive for leadership positions.
The question “How important is the public image of my position?” can be answered by looking closer at the STATUS motive. This motive gives a clear statement on how important it is for a person to be exceptional and receive special attention. Individuals with a high STATUS motive often show a pronounced interest in positions that offer the opportunity to appear in public or that attribute a special public image.
Both motives can have an effect in regards to career ambitions. Based on their selectivity both make distinct statements. POWER refers to the amount of decision-making power a person needs while STATUS indicates how much perceived public image a position for a candidate should have.
In short: not everyone who strives for POWER likes to be in the limelight. Not everyone with a high degree of STATUS is looking for decision-making responsibility. As a LUXXprofile Master you should take a close look: Why is a person interested in ‘making a career’? Once you identified the reason, you will be able to determine the career goal more adequately.

Extract from a sample profile with a focus on career aspects: The person strives for POWER but does not need to stand in the limelight.