Every year again … comes the family fight

By Svenja Klinkenberg and Anette Staub

Christmas time is family time, many people live by this motto. But this time of reflection is especially sensitive to one thing: quarrels within the family. Find out here how the LUXXprofile can help.

In many places family fights typically arise during the Holidays. It is not unusual for old quarrels to flare up again at Christmas, or the general Christmas stress suddenly leads to an outburst. Often this is triggered by trivialities, by misunderstandings or also by perceived provocations. Such conflicts can often arise from an opposing personality. Stress as an additional catalyst does the rest.

In order not only to solve such quarrels, but also to reduce them in the future, a conflict consultation with the LUXXprofile can help. To start with, the LUXXprofile Master reflects every person’s own personality. Because the first step to reducing the risk of conflicts in a relationship is self-reflection. You have to know yourself and your peculiarities in order to recognize where conflicts can occur.

When the profiles of all persons involved are available, an experienced LUXXprofile Master can quickly identify from which scores conflicts can develop. Very often, opposing scores are the cause of differences of opinion and fundamental misunderstandings. Just the knowledge of these ‚pitfalls‘ for misunderstandings can already change the communication between two people.  For if you know your own personality and that of the other person, then you know how to interpret the statements and reactions of the other.

To illustrate a short story about the Holidays:

Man (do not?!) get upset

After the copious Christmas meal, the beloved family sits around the table and decides to play a game of Ludo. Sophia, 6 years old, is very happy because she finds it funny when mommy gets so upset when she loses. Uncle Herbert warns Nicole with the words „Control yourself this time please, it is just a game”. Mommy is doing her very best, but when uncle Herbert also helps the little one to cheat, so she wins, it’s over with mom’s self-control.

Furiously, mommy wipes the pawns of the board, grabs the dice and marches into the bathroom. Sophia giggles loudly, runs after mommy and lifts the toilet lid. Because she knows exactly what is happening. Mommy grabs the dices, throws them in the toilet and flushes them. Now she laughs loudly with her daughter, while uncle Herbert is very angry because he puts so much emphasis on harmony. And as every year, there is a lot of discussion going on.

The lesson of the story: Know yourself and know the other person! There are people who like to get upset and quarrel, and there are those who hate quarrels from the bottom of their hearts. Personality does not allow itself to be „discussed away“. 

The question arises, why the game is not called „Man get upset“ …

In an appreciative and respectful way, we wish you:

A merry, serious, traditional, unconventional, harmonious or discussion-based Christmas celebration.